Saturday, February 10, 2001

Book on Woodlot Management

Devoured a book on woodlot management, a birthday gift from Carroll, which started this blogger thinking about the idea of managing our newly purchased property as a woodlot and all it entails.

The book entitled Woodlot Management by Bruno Wiskel is about most aspects of operating a small woodlot operation that is more on a personal level. The book is in total 134 pages long including glossary and everything. It does not go too indepth into all the varieties and options of the management practice but provides numerous accounts of personal experience, practice and ideas. It is certainly an excellent introduction that will give the reader a feeling of what it is like to be a woodlot owner along with the family oriented activities etc.

Above all it is based on experience of a practising woodlot manager. The author lives and operates in Alberta Canada.

Woodlot Management, 1995, Bruno Wiskel and Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Vancouver and Redmond WA. ISBN 1-55105-067-6.