Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Clearing the Trails

Lucky me, Santa Claus (Carroll) left me a "D" axe (Lee Valley) or Swedish Clearing Axe according to the catalogue (see link), for small brush clearing and it is an excellent tool for that purpose. It is great for limbing small branches. For larger branches that are greater than a 2 cm. (3/4 in.) diameter, a small hand axe is still better.

So with new axe in hand off I went to clear the trail. There were many more sad looking prostrate cedar saplings across the trail, and in some areas entire groves of 7 m (22 foot) cedar trees had their tops broken off also because of the snow. Managed to snowshoe and clear the trail all the way up to the end of the established trail, which ends at the northern boundary of the property.

There are many more obstructing branches in the trail, likely in part because the branches are weighed down by snow, but also because the hiker is raised as much as 30 cm. (1 foot) by the snow under foot.

One of the two bird feeders that we hung up, was spent and full of empty sunflower shells. Looks like the handy work of the red squirrel. The other has not been found by neither bird nor squirrel, yet.

It was overcast and warm today, -1 deg. C (30 deg. F), and by 4:30 p.m. - the days are already seem to be getting longer, yay! - it started to get dark and it was time to head back. Good thing that I wore a brimmed hat that kept the snow on the shaken trees from falling into my collar.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Snowshoeing as far as we could

Carroll and I snowshoed into the woods today. We managed to walk several hundred yards when we came across many small cedar saplings bent over into the trail making the trails barely passable. After a heavy snow, we have had wet snow and then rain followed by a sudden hard frost that pretty well solidified and weighed down the snow on the trees. The snow on the ground was still not solid enough to walk on so we still needed our snowshoes. The heavy snow has caused many cedars to bend over. We hung up some extra bird feeders along the trails. Last night we has a very light dusting of snow on top of the hard snow base creating an ideal surface to examining animal tracks. There were male white-tailed deer tracks of a good size, fresh fox tracks, again along the driveway and lots of snowshoe hare tracks, some red squirrel [Tamiasciurus hudsonicus] and field mice, all common wildlife for this area. We have yet to see fisher tracks this year, but I am quite sure they will be found if we went further east on the property.

It has been a beautiful day otherwise with a clear blue sky and cold. A beautiful Christmas Day.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Winter wonderland

This weekend we have had a large snow fall accumulating in at least 20 cm of snow on the ground. Every night a little more snow would fall adorning the trees, especially the conifers creating a veritable winter wonderland. Detected fox tracks along the driveway showing considerable activity in what looked like a pursuit of a mouse. Also noticed several snowshoe hare tracks.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Turkey Visit

This afternoon a small rafter of wild turkeys [Meleagris gallopavo] , seven in all, strutted into our yard. Like any chicken-like animal they poked around the flower beds and the bushes while the two cats and I stealthily spied on them from behind the curtains. After they sauntered into the woods nearby, they became engaged in a rather complicated discussion, and emitted an most unusual series of sounds with many intonations and expressions. I since found this link which provides a fairly thorough description of the various turkey calls.
There is a good picture on http://www.outtakes.com/birds/wildturkey.html

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Eastern White Cedar

There are concentrations of eastern white cedar [Thuja occidentalis] trees throughout the property and particularly in the old river bank part F, and part C as well as the western end of part A. This is a popular food for deer in winter.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Lots of deer tracks and fresh evidence of Porcupine

Today's task is the inspection of Woodlot compartments C and D.

Found some more oak trees in the northern part of area C. There were two variations yet the both looked most like bur oak. [Quercus macrocarpa]. The variations were different enough though that one could be a white or english oak. In spring I hope to be able to do a better assessment by looking at buds and early leaves.

I ventured into Area D which is very wet. The water was high and the path that runs along the northern border was not passable without wading boots. The area is dominated by buckthorn and there is some red-osier dogwood [Cornus stolonifera]. http://www.borealforest.org/shrubs/shrub11.htm. There is much evidence of deer in the form of well used trails. Also there are scraped earth patches in serveral locations caused by bucks who are currently in rut. We only have one species of deer in these parts which is the whitetail deer [Odocoileus virginianus]. There is no evidence of any moose in these parts.

Heading back south found a very old and large yellow birch [Betula alleghaniensis] in the south part of C. Many of the branches on this tree are dead and breaking off. There is also a good number of young sugar maple saplings in the area. On the walk back found evidence of porcupine. One Tamarack [Larix laricina] – also called hackmatack and eastern larch – of good size, 6 inch (15 cm.) diameter trunk, about 40 feet (15M.) tall was heavily chewed up by a porcupine [Erethizon dorsatum] (p.) and will probably not survive. In this area I had earlier - several years ago - seen a very large porcupine in the top of one of the larger poplar trees. It was certainly 20 kg. (44 pounds), about the size of a dog, in fact I had at first mistaken it for a bear cub. This must be unusually large since all the literature on the animal states much smaller weights. I will take better notes next time.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Filmore R. Park Nut Grove near Kars, ON

Filmore R. Park Nut Grove is located in the Baxter Conservation Area just south of Kars, Ontario. It can be accessed from the McManus Interpretive Centre in the Baxter Conservation Area by following the trail from the back of the centre. At the entrance to the grove, there is a sign kiosk offering a detailed map of the site, and a free brochure for self-guided tours. Today there are more than 30 kinds of nut trees on display, comprising about 100 individual specimens. Included are Ginkgos, Nut Pines, Oaks, Walnuts, Hickories, Buckeyes, Horse Chestnuts, Hazels, Yellow horn, Kentucky Coffee Tree, Locusts, Beech, Black Cherry, Chestnut and Hackberry.

Contact: Sandy Graham, Kars, Ontario (613) 489-4159

Every Individual

Once we recognize the fact that every individual is a treasury of hidden and unsuspected qualities, our lives become richer, our judgment better, and our world is more right.  It is not love that is blind; it is only the un-noticing eye that cannot see the real qualities of people.  (Charles H. Percy - U.S. Senator)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Report Urges Governments to Put a Price Tag on Nature

There is an excellent article on the Ducks Unlimited website which quotes:

A report released yesterday by one of Canada's leading environmental economists urges governments to develop a system that puts a price tag on the services nature provides in our settled areas, before it is too late.

It is a must read for environmentalists and concerned citizens in general.


My better half, Carroll observed a starnose mole [Condylura cristata] along our driveway trying to dig its way into the ground in flight. Economic impact of this animal is neutral. Although it occasionally damages golf greens or lawns, it devours many insects and aerates soils according to Burt and Grossenheider.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Added all backdated entries from My Planner Journal

Today I went through my Franklin Planner/Journals and updated this blog with all past relevant entries. About my Franklin Planner, I have been an active user of my planner for well over ten years and see myself using it for many more - well into my retirement. Yearly I buy the Original-Classic refill. For every day it includes an inspirational quote which I quite enjoy. It is unquestionable that without this tool and its accompanying instructions – the first purchase, and that was long ago, came with four cassette tapes on time management by Hiram Walker – I would not have acquired the discipline of keeping records and journal entries and consequently would not likely have been able make as thorough a record of these blog posts.

When I first used it, it was called the Franklin Planner. It is now called FranklinCovey, which I presume is after a merger with the business of Stephen Covey of Seven Habits fame. As a side bar I first read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, several years ago and have reread it several times since. I still have not reached a level of high effectiveness but maybe one day. Seriously though, It is worth reading and along with the planner makes good company.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Woodlot Management Handbook - Excellent

Finished reading Woodlot Management Handbook by Stewart Hilts and Peter Mitchell. The authors are based in Ontario, involved in teaching and research. The book is 272 pp. for the main text, plus index. The book begins with a Chapter (2) on woodland ecology, that describes the interplay between birds, mammals, plants, the predator and prey, the impacts of certain plants like species of trees on the animals and soils etc. Chapter three is on preparing a woodland inventory. It provides sources of information such as maps and aerial photographs, and how to record the inventory. Chapter 4 is entitled an inventory for Firewood and Timber Production. It gives a summary of the techniques used by foresters to establish an inventory, how to measure trees, characteristics of trees as sources of firewood and timber. Chapter 5 is entitled Environmental Sustainability and Habitat Conservation. This is an interesting chapter describing how to protect wildlife habitats, old-growth forest characteristics, Waterways and wetlands, soils and slopes. It describes the impact of domestic animals such as cows, dogs and cats on the woodland. Feral (domestic and gone wild) Cats are very heavy predators on wildlife. Dogs will chase and kill wildlife especially when operating in packs. Cows trample root systems and compact the soil and thus destroy forests. The chapter then continues by describing methods to enhance wildlife habitats, conserve bio-diversity, and activities to improve people’s awareness of nature. Chapter 6 is about timber and firewood harvest – principles and practices. Now we are getting into the nitty gritty. It talks about thinning or improving cuts. An interesting discussion is provided on even-aged and uneven-aged forests. My forest is quite even aged since all the fields were planted in 1973. The only exceptions are the fencerows where there is a larger diversity of species and age. So the goal is to go towards uneven aged forests, which is more natural and self-maintaining. Chapter 7 about reforestation discusses the reasons for this practice, planting methods. Chapter 8 discusses specialised agro-forestry Options, such as planting windbreaks, various crop trees and making maple syrup. Chapter 9 addresses making trails, dealing with pests and poachers. Chapters 10 through 13 are entitled – Developing your Woodland, Stewardship Plan, Buying Woodland Property, Ensuring Long Term Conservation, and The Spirit of the Woods, respectively. The book concludes with an appendix entitled Getting Help When You Need It.

Overall I find this to be an excellent reference book for anyone who wishes to engage in woodland management. It will give the reader a fairly thorough knowledge, enough to get started and a good overview of the terminology and practices of the forester. At least the reader will be able to know what they are talking about when he hear "snag" is or "stocking" when listening to a professional. There is a very extensive reference section, so one can always dig deeper to find more detail on specific topics.

The Woodlot Management Handbook, Steward Hilts and Peter Mitchell, Firefly Books Ltd. Willowdale ON, Buffalo NY, 1999, ISBN 1-55209-236-4

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Without disturbances in nature the world's forests will be impoverished

There is an interesting artricle on scienceblog stating that without disturbances in nature the world's forests will be impoverished.

Howling night

Coyotes [Canis Latrans*] were very active howling last night. They can be heard howling from the forests near by. They often howl when there is a moon. Last night there was no moon though they may have been howling at the aurora borealis which are reported to be at a peak right now. Overnight temperatures are at around minus 8 degrees celsius now.

*A Field Guide To Mammals, William Henry Burt and Richard Philip Grossenheider, 1964, The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, (Part of the Peterson Field Guide Series).
The book covers mammals in North America north of the US and Mexico Border.
This book was a gift on my 13th birthday from my parents in 1965.

Saturday, November 06, 2004


Ideas have consequences - Richard Weaver.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Woodlot Management Plan

The woodlot comprises a total of 79.39 Acres (32.13 ha.) Of it 16 acres (6.47 ha.) is Official Conservation Land being an old riverbed. The Lot is part of Rideau Township (formerly North Gower Township) Concession 2, Lot 30 now part of the City of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
The rough geographical position, by GPS is Latitude: 45degrees 07 minutes north, and Longitude 75 degrees 39.1 minutes west.

A woodlot owner can acquire tax savings if he manages the woodlot as per a Forestry Management Plan. In this case the management plan has to follow rules set by the Province of Ontario, Canada. The Plan for this lot, created by a Professional Forester in the spring of 2003 was divided into 9 compartments (or parts) as follows:

Part A. Plantation of White Pine (Pw) [Pinus strobus L.] and White Spruce (Sw) [Picea glauca] covering 9.25 Acres (3.74 ha.). Although that is what was on the forestation plan of 1973 there is also accidental planted Red Pine (Pr) [Pinus Resinosa]
Part B. Plantation of mostly Sw covering 4.78 Acres (1.93 ha).
Part C. Lowland covering 12.94 Acres (5.24 ha).
Part D. Wet area with a plantation that was generally not successful covering 4.32 Acres (1.75 ha)
Part E. Plantation of pure Sw covering 6.90 Acres (2.79 ha).
Part F. Old riverbank adjacent to the old riverbed covering 17.46 Acres (7.07 ha).
Part G. Cutover, mostly clearing covering 3.04 Acres (1.23 ha).
Part H: The old riverbed of 16 acres (6.47 ha) deemed conservation land.
Part I: A usually wet open field of 3.7 Acres (1.5 ha) with Buckthorn along the edges and a very high concentration of purple loosestrife monoculture through the rest. The field has been farmed within the last decade. There are plough furrows reamaining and have never been harrowed or dressed since and let go fallow.

One acre around a residential building must be excluded from the management plan.

For each compartment above a work plan is required and summarised as follows:

Part A: Forestry Plan (F/P) Release and prune, 700 trees
Part B: F/P Release 300 trees
Part C: Environmental (Env.), 4 inspections per year.
Part D: Wildlife, trail development.
Part E: F/P Thinning
Part F: Env. Trail development
Part G: Wildlife, Planting 500 trees (Pw) and 50 shrubs (high bush cranberry).
Part H: N/A
Part I: Wildlife 4 inspections per year.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Trees with a Past: The History of Ottawa's Urban Forest

Attended a lecture given by Dr. Dean of the Department of History, Carleton University, about trees in Ottawa and the history of the municipal policies and developments that affected trees in the City. It was an eye opener in that it gave an uncommon perspective to the many issues and events that evolved. The lecture was hosted by the Ottawa Historical Society.

When: October 28, 2004 8:00 PM-9:30 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
National Library and Archives of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Room 156

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Inspection of the field, Area I

Did a thorough inspection of Area I. There is probably an solid acre of buckthorn in the area, and purple loosestrife. Found numerous deer beds among the loosestrife. These are small clearings about 1 m. across or larger and the most recently used beds still have the grass flattened out in a clockwise swirl. They must circle around like a dog before they bed down. The southern fence line is a single barb wire about a metre above the ground fastened to trees.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Trail Cutting

With a hand axe, cut and cleared about 100 metres of trail along the south border of Part B. Much of the brush was buckthorn, ash some willow and white spruce.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Renfrew County Outdoor Woodlot Conference

Held at: the H. David Dick Property, 522 Scotch Bush Rd. Balaclava. Ontario (near Dacre).

Today Carroll and I attended this Conference. It was quite interesting, and operated like an outdoor workshop. It rained pretty hard in the afternoon so we huddled under an army tent undeterred. Got myself some chaps for chain-sawing and picked up some materials from exhibitors and suppliers such as the Ducks Unlimited, Ontario Woodlot Association, Forest Gene Conservation Association, Wetland Habitat fund and there were many others including commercial exhibits. We are both quite physically tired from much standing, walking over trees branches and twigs, and getting damp and cold so it is nice to be home.

The theme of the Conference was “Woodlot Sustainability in Action” and was organised by the Renfrew County Stewardship Council and the County Municipality of Renfrew.

There were sessions on White Pine Biology and Economics; White Pine Silviculture Treatements; Low Damage Logging; Poplar Management; and Utilisation of Balsam Fir and Cedar. This included walks up into the mountains to look at actual logging operations. Various types of operations were displayed including skidding of logs using a full sized Catapillar skidder, logs skidded by a team of horses, as well as a smaller low impact tractor with catapillar treads that I think is called a Forcat 2000, or looks like it anyway. The on site session ended with a demo of scarification using “barrel and chains”. Scarification is the process of disturbing the forest floor thus allowing new seeds to naturally germinate.

At lunch Algonquin College, Pembroke did a timbersports demonstration.

The overall approach of the conference was towards treating the Woodlot as a business and covered many practical business aspects.

The topography of the Renfrew area is quite different to North Gower with its beautiful hilly precambrian outcrops, while this area in North Gower is made up of basically gently sloping drumlins. Much of the Renfrew area is only good for woodlot unlike here were it is has been extensively farmed once the erratics – displaced rocks strewn all over and left behind by receding glaciers - are removed. The fall colours were at their best too.

Though we left cold and damp, it was definitely worth the one-hour drive down and back. I plan to go again next year.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Catalpa Tree

Bought and planted a Catalpa [Catalpa Speciosa] east of our residence. Indentified a Swainson's Thrush.

Forestry Fair and the Buckthorn

Attended the Forestry Fair of Eastern Ontario held at the Ferguson Forest Centre Kemptville, Ontario.
The nursery had common plant stock grown from local seed for sale; wood was being auctioned off, many interesting tree burls were sold, solid trunks of various hardwoods even cherry wood were auctioned and there were a couple of portable sawmills set up to cut into boards any of the logs that were purchased.

Inside there were various environment, forestry and nature related booths on display. There were also a couple of sections selling books. NRCan Canadian Forestry Service had one booth set up to help identify diseases. This was where I was finally enlightened about the identity of the invasive Buckthorn that is taking over much of the open areas of our forest. It is very aggressive. The booth also displayed the emerald ash borer (dead of course) as well as examples of its damage, and also the Asian Longhorn Beetle.

Our forest has a large number of mature ash trees and I am truly worried about the impact of the borer if and when it gets here.

There were tables of books for sale. I bought three books, Trees in Canada, 500 pp., and Trees of Ontario, 240 pp., both identify the buckthorns. Shrubs of Ontario, 495 pp., devotes six pages to just the Buckthorn and looks like a very thorough work on all shrubs in this province.

Two species of Buckthorn were identified in this woodlot.

European Buckthorn [Rhamnus cathartica L.] (also called common buckthorn, purghing buckthorn, European waythorn, Carolina buckthorn); and

Glossy Buckthorn [Rhamnus frangula L.]. It is also called European alder-buckthorn, European-alder, columnar buckthorn, fen buckthorn, arrow-wood, black-dogwood. Now I understand the reason for a unique latin name.

The European (or common) buckthorn tends to be a small tree shaped schrub with several very close stems. It is quite pretty in appearance. It develops horrible thorns instead of a central terminal bud. I had one lodged in my finger which took much effort to remove. Its bark tends to be reddish and smooth. Its sap is very noticeably orangy yellow.

The glossy buchthorn is more of a bush and in these parts tends to have a grey stem with little specs. Typically its shape is one of two or three main stems spreading out widely from a root stalk.

Trees in Canada, John Laird Farrar, Published by Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited and the Canadian Forestry Service, NRCan, 1995 8th printing 2003. ISBN 1-55041-199-3

Trees of Ontario including Tall Shrubs, Linda Kershaw, Published by Lone Pine Publishing, 2001 1st printing. ISBN 1-55105-274-1.

Shrubs of Ontario, James H. Soper and Margaret L. Heimburger, Published by Royal Ontario Museum,1982. ISBN 0-88854-283-6

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


Observed glow-worms [family Phengodidae] one evening after dark among the gravel along the sides of the driveway. In my 50 years of living in Southern Quebec, New Brunswick and Eastern Ontario, I have never seen these insects before. I have seen lightning bugs or fire flies but not this. They look like faint little green lights amongst the gravel and can only be observed in pitch darkness. The insect is positively identified by the website.

Monday, September 06, 2004

White Snakeroot.

‘Labour Day’,

After noticing this very subtle white flower for some time I was finally able to identify it as White snake root [Eupatorium Rugosum]. It is situated along the driveway and abundant throughout the property. It stands about half a metre tall and in shade. This is a very common plant around here yet I was unable to find it in various flora books for Ontario such as Ontario Wildflowers – 101 Wayside Flowers, by Linda Kershaw, 2002 Lone Pine Publishing, ISBN 1-55105-285-7. Only after accessing an older copy of A Field Guide to Wildflowers of Northeastern and North-central North America by Roger Tory Peterson and Margaret McKenny, 1968, ISBN 0-395-08086-x, was I able to positively identify it. Web searches were not that helpful either in identifying this plant. After identification – the hard part, there was much literature to be found.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Recorded ocurrence of purple loosestrife

I received a Purple Loosestrife Survey Form in the mail and completed and mailed it today. This lot may be considered as a potential Galerucella beetle release site.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Forest Management Plan sent

The Forest Management plan is completed and sent to the Provincial Ministry of Natural resources.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Joined OFAH

Joined OFAH.

Joined the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH), in response to their impressive and proactive approach to habitat conservation initiatives. It is largely because of OFAH efforts that I have been alerted of the Purple Loosestrife control program.

August 17, 2004.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Joined Ducks Unlimited Today

Signed up with Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), in response to their proactive approach to wetlands preservation and their proactive role in the loosestrife program.

“Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America's waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.”

Sunday, August 08, 2004

A Real Purple Loosestrife Solution !!!

After much persistent internet hunting found a solution to the purple loosestrife (pls) invasion problem It originates right here in Ontario. Carroll finds the purple field very beautiful, but then I figure less purple will look nice too. We just have so much of it. It takes hold very well on disturbed soil and since our driveway and property around the house has been newly build it has spread profusely. And this is in addition to the pls monoculture in our open field as well as in the wetland area.

The University of Guelph http://www.uoguelph.ca/mediarel/96-07-19/purple.html has successfully tested two species of beetle over an extended 8 year period that eats pls to 90%. The test was in a controlled environment to examine its affect on other plants. This is exciting news. The beetle does not eliminate pls. As pls dies off so does the beetle and as it grows the beetle follows. So pls will again become just a nice wild (sic) flower again. The program was sponsored and operated as a joint effort of Ducks Unlimited, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Beetles Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Wetland Habitat Fund.

I have applied for the beetle release program on this property, and plan to do the required work in monitoring the progress of the beetle as required of the program.

I have applied for the beetle release program on this property, and will gladly do the required work in monitoring the progress of the beetle as required.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Of Frogs, Flowers, and Weeds.

Spotted several dozen (many) leopard frogs of various sizes, green and brown (yellow) variety.

Wild flora identified:

Black Currant [Ribes americanum] found among the remains of an old drive shed before the house.
Spotted touch-me-not aka Spotted Jewelweed [Impatiens capensis] along east side of driveway.
Tall enchanter’s nightshade [Circaea Lutetiana]
Harebell [Campanula rotudiflora]
Yarrow [Achillea millefolium] has a white flower.
Field is full of purple loosestrife [Lythrum salcaria L.] also along driveway and many other places.
Wild Cucumber [Echinocystis lobata] in field of Area G clearing and along driveway.
Cattails [Typhalatifolia L] in a pond in field of Area I.
Cow vetch [Vicia Cracca] in residential acre before the house.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Frogs and Snakes.

Sighted many small (3 cm.) leopard frogs as well as full grown leopard frogs in the tall grass areas around the residential acre. There are two colour phases observed. A green frog with gold spots and a more yellowing variety with gold and black spots. My nearest neighbour has seen large frogs eating the smaller frogs.

Sighted a green and black 50 cm. garter snake. They can be found sunning in open areas and on rocks. The snake is harmless to us, probably not to frogs.

Monday, August 02, 2004

A few Sugar Maple Trees

Examined trees for identification. Found 3 sugar maple trees along the southern border fence line among the basswood, along the road allowance between lots. It is not a Norway Maple since the buds are too small.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Start of Paper Logbook

A woodlot manager must keep a record of management activities to qualify as a bona-fide woodlot as per the MFTIP.

On this day I had started the paper MFTIP activities record or log. It has been copied over to this blog on October 29th. 2004.

Saturday, May 15, 2004


May 15, 2004


Fell asleep to the chorus of frogs and woke up to the chorus of bird. Not much sleep to be had you would think but it is actually quite soothing.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Bear encounter

This morning just as I left for work there were wet bear prints on our back porch which must have occurred just minutes before I left the house at 0600 hrs. The prints are quite large about 10cm by 15cm. A week earlier a bear has taken out a couple of chunks of a snowmobile seat cushion in the same yard.

I have also noticed bear prints in soft mud by some drill wells in a clearing at the end of our road along the road allowance.

I am an active composter and wonder if that is what is attracting the bear. Did some digging and found ways to improve on rapid control of compost odours, It is all about encouraging aerobic versus anaerobic decomposition.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Walking Pigeon picked up

The pigeon owner from the nearby village of Metcalfe, Ontario, called and dropped by to pick up the bird. Apparently his pigeons have been watched by a goshawk causing many pigeons to flee, which this female did. The bird expended so much energy flying without replenishment that its muscle mass was so depleted that it could no longer fly. The fancier will keep her now for breeding purposes.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Walking Pigeon

I have found a live pigeon walking about on my property today. It had a band with the markings CU OTT 2003 3397. It has been here several days but I never noticed the bands until now. The bird seems healthy in that it rests on one leg, has good droppings and seems interested in the food. It does not fly well so it has been walking a lot. The breastbone is quite bare so it may be emaciated to some extent. I have captured it easily and put it in a small cage to protect it from predators including our cats.

Sent an email with this information to crpu@execulink.com for Canadian Racing Pigeon Union, requesting them to contact the owner. Determined that the pigeon belonged to the Centennial Homing Club which is local. Club contact information is in my planner.

Monday, April 12, 2004

The Really Great

" Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great, make you feel that you too can become great."

-Mark Twain.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Conservation Land

Began looking into the Conservation Land Tax Incentive program. There are 16 acres at the rear of the property that qualify as conservation land according to the tax form.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Gaggles and Gaggles of Canada's

While driving to work heading north on Highway 416 towards Ottawa this morning I saw many many gaggles or “V”s of Canada Geese flying north. I estimated that there were several tens of thousands of geese.