Sunday, December 28, 2008
Mice, those cursed rodents
There is no shortage of mice in the fields and forests of this woodlot. Our cat leaves us mice part offerings on an almost daily basis during summer and fall. In this picture, the hole in the snow is a ventilation or observation hole for some mice burrowing in the snow. That is likely why we see as many fox and raptors -- that prey on mice -- in this area.
There are a number of varieties of mice in this area.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Invasion of the Common Reed
I had the occasion recently to drive between Quebec City and Montreal and during that drive I was astonished at the continuous growth of Phragmites Australis a.k.a. the Common Reed, for, I would guess, at least 100 solid kilometres. I had to stop the car, get out and take the these pictures of this biological phenomenon. The plant literally coated both sides of the 4 lane highway and the median for many many kilometres without interruption.
Phragmites is a recent but known invasive weed in eastern Ontario. It was first brought to my attention by Fred and Aleta when I visited the Bishops Mills Natural History Centre, located less than half an hour from here. For more on the centre see
My neighbour has a very large 2 to 3 acre pond and its north west shore is covered with the plant. He told me once that he lost balance and fell into the weed and its was so sturdy that it broke his fall and held him up.
Around here there appears to be two types of Phragmites. There is the dark very thick tassel variety and a silky white thinner tassel variety. The dark tassel appears notably more invasive in that its stands are typically large and dense and like the type pictured here. The white variant appears to be much less aggressive in its growth and not as dense. The white variety is also often seen as a landscaping plant now in the suburban gardens of Ottawa.
For a fairly thorough study of the plant see:
In a later post, I hope to compare pictures of both types side-by-side.
Monday, September 08, 2008
The ever busy Bumblebee
False Dragonhead or Obedient Plant
Saturday, September 06, 2008
An Trillium Fruit
Monday, September 01, 2008
Natural Butternut Tree near our Residence
Update and wrap up of Canker Resistant Butternut Report
Status of each tree can be found at separate blogs as follows.
Tree #1 is planted in field area i and can be found at:
Tree #2 is at
Tree #7 is found and reported at
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Follow up Inspection of Canker Resistant Butternuts
Also I found tree number seven so this means we have a 9 out of 10 survival rate.
I will be updating each of the individual tree blogs.
I also found additional butternut trees for which I will be creating individual blogs as well. It is becoming apparent that I will have quite a time tracking all the blogs.
How to conveniently label trees
To uniquely label special and noteworthy trees in the woodlot and to track them with a blog they need to be labeled. The label has to be durable enough to last many years. I thought that a plastic square cut from a Javex bleach bottle, or joghurt tub might do. After all these plastic bottles are known to last for up to 30 years in a landfill. The identification information would then be marked on it with an indelible marker. I noticed however that the permanent markers will fade completely when exposed to the sun after only one season. So instead I found the aluminum cat food can lid quite suitable and there is a plentiful supply. Using a punch set - bought from Princess Auto and hoping one day to find a use for it - I could punch the tree code on the lid. I could then tie this to the tree trunk while it is still small with a bit of wire or screw it into the trunk when it is larger. Aluminum corrodes very slowly and will last much longer than 30 years and more like 50 years.
Survey of Canker Resistant Butternut Trees
Of the trees all survived the summer except: Tree #3 was uprooted and Tree #7 was not found today but may still be healthy and alive.
I still have to measure and report on trees #1 & 2.
For the remaining healthy and measured trees I have created blogs as follows:
Visit these sites to view photographs, geographic coordinates or pictures of the subject trees.
Not all photographs are posted yet.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
New Blog for Butternut Tree CRB1I
George and Sean Planted the Black Walnut
Saturday, August 02, 2008
More about the Black Walnut
In the mean time we had the nuts stored in a basket outside, and by the time we were ready for planting on December 24th 2006 -- it was a very mild fall -- the squirrels had raided the basket and left us with 36.
We laid out a 6 metre by 6 metre grid and planted the nuts at each one metre intersection. The ground was very soft and wet so to plant them we simply pushed the nut into the ground with the heel of our boots.
Next spring 7 of the nuts sprouted. I cut squares out of old carpet and cut a slit from the middle out and placed the carpets around the nuts that survived. This was to control the weeds around them which worked very well.
The following year we had 14. Yay! seven more nuts sprouted. So what are we going to do with them all?
The previous trees did not do so well and were late putting out leaves. From this website I see now that it might be the high moisture that has delayed the trees. We have had a record number of rainy days this year in this area.
The referenced website also describes the process for transplanting walnuts. It appears that the nut produces a large tap root, so one can not wait too long to transplant them. They should be less than one metre (3 feet) tall. I might have another year yet since these seedlings are only about half a metre (16in.) tall.
This weekend I potted one of the walnuts as a gift for my father in-law who lives in northern New Brunswick. Some members of my family were going up to see him and took it with them. It is much colder up there and the winters are much longer. We are already at the northern edge of the Walnut habitat. I wonder how it will do.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Regarding Walnut and Butternut Toxicity
Monday, May 05, 2008
Canker Resistant Butternut Tree Planting
Friday, April 11, 2008
This Warning affects our area and is a result of the exceptional amout of snow we received this winter.
Local rivers and streams in the Rideau Valley peaked overnight; however, today’s precipitation will extend the peak flows over the next 24 to 36 hours. If most of the precipitation falls as expected by midnight Friday, water level could increase again, rising as much as another 15 to 25 centimetres (6 to 10 inches) above current water levels in flood vulnerable areas.
Thursday night’s peak was close to “1 in 5 year” spring flood levels — which means there is a 20% chance, each and every spring, of these conditions being reached or exceeded as a result of snowmelt and rainfall runoff.
The snow cover is largely, but not yet entirely, gone from open areas. Forested areas of the watershed continue to hold snow.
Environment Canada weather forecasters advise that up to 20 mm of mixed precipitation can be expected in our region over the next 48 hours, most of it falling between noon and midnight today.
This Flood Warning will be terminated when rivers and streams have crested and there is no significant rainfall in the short-term.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A walk ON the snow
This is a record year for snow. According to the weather channel, we are around 35 cm. (~14 in.) short of reaching the record of the winter of 1970-1971 which was 444 cm. (~14.5 ft.) Trudging through the bush has been quite a work out even on snowshoes. About a week later we had some heavy thawing followed by a freeze so the snow has become rock solid, though still not solid enough to walk on. The boots still go down a good 50 cm into the snow. But on snowshoes it is like walking on solid ground.
Being so high – I would say about a metre ( 3 feet) above the ground, the paths are virtually not recognizable. What one was able to walk under at ground level when there is no snow is now a mere crawl space. But on the plus side I can walk right over much of the brush.
One would suspect that the deep snow would be hard on wildlife as it tries to forage for food. Indeed there were no deer tracks to be found so the deer that have survived have likely moved to their “deer yards” – protected areas where the deer keep paths open and where there may be some food. When desperate enough, deer are known to eat cedar and there is lots of cedar in this area.
The snowshoe hare seems to be doing ok, as there were a number of their tracks to be found. Also there are very many fisher tracks. There were no coyote tracks. I was advised that a neighbour has been shooting them.
In this morning’s walk I found a new butternut tree in the woodlot which I will add to my database. I have walked by it before but never identified it. It must look different when one is standing a metre off the ground.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Butternut Blogs
Sunday, January 27, 2008
A Visit from a Cottontail
Being the early bird or morning lark, just after I get up, I often will take a quick look through the windows outside in the dark before I turn the lights on and consequently scare off any wildlife that may have ventured near the house. For the last couple of mornings I have witnessed a small bunny eating the cracked corn that I have spread out on top of the snow near the bird feeder. This is likely an eastern cottontail [Sylvilagus floridanus] the only wild rabbit common to this area. The only other similar species here is the ever common snowshoe hare [Lepus americanus] which is technically a hare, not a rabbit. The snowshoe however in winter changes to a white coat thus clearly distinguishing it from the cottontail at this time of year.