Friday, April 11, 2008


This Warning affects our area and is a result of the exceptional amout of snow we received this winter.

Local rivers and streams in the Rideau Valley peaked overnight; however, today’s precipitation will extend the peak flows over the next 24 to 36 hours. If most of the precipitation falls as expected by midnight Friday, water level could increase again, rising as much as another 15 to 25 centimetres (6 to 10 inches) above current water levels in flood vulnerable areas.

Thursday night’s peak was close to “1 in 5 year” spring flood levels — which means there is a 20% chance, each and every spring, of these conditions being reached or exceeded as a result of snowmelt and rainfall runoff.

High water conditions can be expected to persist for several days.

The snow cover is largely, but not yet entirely, gone from open areas. Forested areas of the watershed continue to hold snow.

Environment Canada weather forecasters advise that up to 20 mm of mixed precipitation can be expected in our region over the next 48 hours, most of it falling between noon and midnight today.

This Flood Warning will be terminated when rivers and streams have crested and there is no significant rainfall in the short-term.