Sunday, October 14, 2007



Sometimes weeds can be more curious and interesting that flower gardens. For example this fall we found this very interesting metre and a half tall plant which we later identified as Indian Mallow [Abuliton theophrasti]. “Ontario Weeds” ISBN 0-7729-9691-1 identifies this plant as Velvet Leaf. There are also many other names including Abuth, abuliton, Butter-print, Elephant ear, Pie Maker, abuliton feuille de velours.

It does not have an attractive flower but the seed pods are quite unique.

It appears that in some areas this plant is considered a very invasive weed according to . The site states that the seeds can last dormant for up to 50 years. According to this plant was introduced to North America two centuries ago – late 1700s, early 1800s. Since the plant actually sprouted on land that has not been tilled or disturbed for some 40 years I suppose it is possible that the seed has laid dormant for all those years, like the goosefoot that I posted about earlier.

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