Friday, October 29, 2004

Woodlot Management Plan

The woodlot comprises a total of 79.39 Acres (32.13 ha.) Of it 16 acres (6.47 ha.) is Official Conservation Land being an old riverbed. The Lot is part of Rideau Township (formerly North Gower Township) Concession 2, Lot 30 now part of the City of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
The rough geographical position, by GPS is Latitude: 45degrees 07 minutes north, and Longitude 75 degrees 39.1 minutes west.

A woodlot owner can acquire tax savings if he manages the woodlot as per a Forestry Management Plan. In this case the management plan has to follow rules set by the Province of Ontario, Canada. The Plan for this lot, created by a Professional Forester in the spring of 2003 was divided into 9 compartments (or parts) as follows:

Part A. Plantation of White Pine (Pw) [Pinus strobus L.] and White Spruce (Sw) [Picea glauca] covering 9.25 Acres (3.74 ha.). Although that is what was on the forestation plan of 1973 there is also accidental planted Red Pine (Pr) [Pinus Resinosa]
Part B. Plantation of mostly Sw covering 4.78 Acres (1.93 ha).
Part C. Lowland covering 12.94 Acres (5.24 ha).
Part D. Wet area with a plantation that was generally not successful covering 4.32 Acres (1.75 ha)
Part E. Plantation of pure Sw covering 6.90 Acres (2.79 ha).
Part F. Old riverbank adjacent to the old riverbed covering 17.46 Acres (7.07 ha).
Part G. Cutover, mostly clearing covering 3.04 Acres (1.23 ha).
Part H: The old riverbed of 16 acres (6.47 ha) deemed conservation land.
Part I: A usually wet open field of 3.7 Acres (1.5 ha) with Buckthorn along the edges and a very high concentration of purple loosestrife monoculture through the rest. The field has been farmed within the last decade. There are plough furrows reamaining and have never been harrowed or dressed since and let go fallow.

One acre around a residential building must be excluded from the management plan.

For each compartment above a work plan is required and summarised as follows:

Part A: Forestry Plan (F/P) Release and prune, 700 trees
Part B: F/P Release 300 trees
Part C: Environmental (Env.), 4 inspections per year.
Part D: Wildlife, trail development.
Part E: F/P Thinning
Part F: Env. Trail development
Part G: Wildlife, Planting 500 trees (Pw) and 50 shrubs (high bush cranberry).
Part H: N/A
Part I: Wildlife 4 inspections per year.

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